Wednesday, May 23, 2007

California Students Suspended For Anti-Gay T-Shirts

In what is nothing more than a ridiculous and adolescent spectacle, a California school district is under fire for the suspension of students who wore t-shirts which bore anti-gay sentiments. As the wingnuts report...

"One shirt that caused an uproar was emblazoned with, "Don't touch God's
rainbow." The student said he wore the shirt to school because he was offended
homosexual activists had stolen the biblical symbol of promise and turned it
into an icon of perversion."

Of course, free speech infringement is the hot topic among the parents and students involved, which brings up two essential questions.

*Would the same uproar have occurred if the shirt mentioned above had a Confederate flag on it and made a reference to the days of slavery and oppression of African-Americans? For that matter, would any disparaging image or comments against an ethnic group be allowed in a public school setting? I would guess the answer would be a resounding, "No."

*Why are the students being allowed to take part in school board proceedings on this or any other matter? According to WorldNetDaily...

"Board member Larry Masuoka presented the resolution at the meeting.
Parents and students demanded that their fundamental right to free speech and
religious expression be upheld, and students told of being harassed by peers and
teachers because of their message."

I'm all for children (and high school students are, in many ways, still children) having and expressing strong opinions, but the discussions conducted in school board meetings should involve only adults who are, hopefully, more capable of addressing serious issues without being blinded by adolescent dramatics. I believe that the parents of the students involved are better suited for representing any free speech issues they may have.

Bottom line...this is just another in a litany of examples of double standards. Christians can hold to their beliefs without being overtly demeaning...and that is where the line was crossed in this case.

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