Just when I begin to think that Sarah Palin might actually have a brain, she opens her mouth and proves otherwise. Her latest blunder...trying to outlaw the use of the word "retarded"...has irritated me to no end.
First of all, if you look up the definition of the word, you'll find that it is not, in any way derogatory. In fact, a form of the word, the Italian "ritard" is used in music to indicate a slowing of tempo. Should we omit that word from all our music?
Also, Palin slammed the show "Family Guy" for having a character with Down's syndrome in its Valentine's Day episode. Bristol got in on it too, voicing her displeasure at the writers' introduction of the character and identify her with "a former governor of Alaska." The voice actor who performed that part, who has Down's syndrome, said that she didn't have a problem playing the part and wasn't at all offended by it.
The Terminator's take...We have enough political correctness, and we don't need to add to our list of words considered offensive. Pretty soon, we'll have to stop talking altogether. As for Palin, she might as well dress as a scarecrow and parade around singing, "if I only had a brain."
Friday, February 19, 2010
Palin and Her Big Mouth
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
6:40 PM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
An Ode to The Angry Greek
I have to take a moment to talk about the absoultely fabulous Angry Greek. She is so on top of Hollywood gossip that Perez Hilton is probably shaking in his computer chair (suddenly shuddering at that image...ewww!).
With such creativity, she weaves the stories of Brangelina, Hohan, and the Trollsens (just to name a few) using her own flowery prose. "Fuckery," abounds, and she finds it and shows it for what it is! Loonies (Wingnuts, Fundies, and the like) beware...if you choose to rant on her site, you'll be greeted by a barrage of supporters and a special little gift from the Greek herself, lol.
Check out her site, and lend your support!
I love your style, AG...keep up the great work!!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
5:33 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Concerned Women Mad About Biased Judge
You all are gonna love this one!! In the Perry vs. Schwarzenegger marriage trial in California, some infuriating comments have come from wrtiters over at Concerned Women for America. This article, written by a man, by the way, tries to imply that the judge involved is biased because of his sexual orientation. See, he's gay!
*insert exasperated gasp here*
The very concerned woman, Mario Diaz, writes,
"Judge Walker allowed same-sex "marriage" supporters to present hours upon hours of irrelevant emotional appeals but little legal substance. Any reasonable observer could see there was nothing there. Time after time, witness after witness, those present could not help but wonder why this debate was even happening in that courtroom? Why was the judge allowing this circus to continue?"First, I find putting the word marriage in quotes offensive. Allowing two people who are committed to each other to marry has no impact on heterosexual marriages and should be viewed on equal footing. As to the questions about the testimony, I don't know why Mr. Diaz is so confused. If he wished to marry someone...anyone...and was told he couldn't, he too would have some painful, heartfelt comments to make if given the chance. If he were in the same situation, he wouldn't be referring to the painful testimony of others as a "circus."
Further, what does the sexual orientation of the judge have to do with anything? Honestly, if we were to apply the same standard to divorce cases, would the sexual orientation or relationship history of the judge be called into question? No...because part of being a judge is to look at each case through the eyes of the law, without personal bias. The whole concept of drawing attention to this judge's sexual orientation is baffling to me.
The Terminator's take...Mr. Diaz, an obviously very concerned woman, is an idiot, and he proves it in one of his final statements...
"Now, I know that the judge's sexuality is not really important legally. His biased, activist and unlawful decisions are the real problem and not his motives. But it sure helps to explain a lot."
Yep, Mr. Diaz...it explains a lot!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
5:24 PM
Tea Party Hilarity
I waited and waited for the hoopla to begin in Nashville, and I wasn't disappointed. Just take a look at this video from some of those lovable little nuts who attended...
Did you notice that when pressed about some of their fundamental issues, such as constitutionalism...they couldn't even come up with an example? About the only thing they could come up with was that Obama shouldn't have been allowed to run for the presidency. I suppose that no amount of documented evidence as to his country of birth will convice these wingnuts.
That aside, did you notice how much these fundies paid to attend? $550 bucks a head so they can get together and bash Obama, insult those who voted for and support Obama and whine about how much they are paying in taxes. That reminds me...did you hear Tancredo? Take a look at what he had to say about all who voted for Obama...
The Terminator's take...I don't know whether to laugh, cry or just punch Tancredo in the face. That first video was hilarious, showing how idiotic some of these folks are, but the second one infuriated me. You know as well as I do that if a Democrat questioned the literacy of a Republican, they'd never hear the end of it. It would be the Republican battle cry until election day. We should be used to it, though, since there is a constant double standard where these things are concerned. In the words of Forrest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does."
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
5:06 PM
Saturday, January 30, 2010
New Talking Head for Concerned Women
First off, I have to applaud the Concerned Women of America for actually employing a woman to speak for them. I've blogged before about how the organization seems to allow men to do the talking, so the addition of Penny Nance is refreshing.
That said, Ms. Nance gave her analysis of the State of the Union speech and made me wonder if she'd actually heard the speech or just reported what she was told to report. In a summary statement of her report (which can be downloaded from CWA), CWA stated...
"CWA's CEO Penny Nance paid close attention to President Obama's State of the Union address. What she heard was an entrenching on liberal social policies and a list of new spending that will enslave our children to a crushing national debt."
The Terminator's take...Ms. Nance's statement reminded me of the nursery rhyme about the sky falling. Remember the one? Henny Penny runs to tell Lucky Ducky and all the others that the sky is falling. So, in nursery rhyme fashion, "Henny Penny" Nance has once again announced that the sky is falling...guess we should all tell the President, you think?
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
4:12 PM
Babs Lets Loose Again...
Peter LaBarbera never fails to give me something to write about everytime he opens his mouth. This time, he is ranting about the reckless actions of a few adults and applying that behavior to the entire homosexual community. Here's a bit of his rant...
"Once again we are confronted with the unparalleled deviance of a Sexual Perversion Movement that masquerades as a “civil rights” cause. As we’ve said many times, truth really is stranger than fiction when it comes to the “gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/sadomasochist” (GLBTS?) lobby.
Just four days after attending a sadomasochistic party where he shot a fellow homosexual, Fred Homer Wilson, who “got a thrill out of using a loaded gun as a sex toy,” Bruce LaVallee-Davidson testified for “gay marriage” with his homosexual lover Buck at a public hearing."
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
3:52 PM
Anti Hate Banner Removed From School
This should go in the file with other "boneheaded decisions made by people without a functioning brain!" Here's the story...a school in Wyoming posted the banner pictured below:
"If someone pays and sponsors a program, typically they're saying I agree with this message ... The gay and lesbian community is promoting gay marriage, the is promoting gay marriage, Wheatland does not promote gay marriage," Fabian said.
The Terminator's take...look at the banner, folks. Where does it say anything about marriage, gay or otherwise? The answer...nowhere. The banner simply advocates NO HATE. It is reprehensible for adults to use their political views to oppose a simple campaign against hate in our schools. Fabian and his school board should be ashamed of themselves.
Read more: http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_14294105#ixzz0e8JDswWT
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
3:25 PM
Impeachment Rumblings All Over Again
It's funny to me that regardless of who's in office, the opposition tries to find some reason to call for the impeachment of the current President. As with the past few Presidents, the Republicans have mounted a new campaign calling for the impeachment of Obama. Democrats did the same thing with Bush and Republicans called for and successfully impeached Clinton (Yes...Clinton was impeached by the House, but remained in office because the Senate did not vote to impeach).
The Terminator's take...impeachment is a serious event that should be called for under serious circumstances. It is NOT something that should be called for when one party disagrees with the policies of another. Just like the little boy who cried "wolf," politicians will soon be ignored by Americans and a future, necessary call for impeachment will be go unanswered. Both parties need to get a grip and find a better avenue for voicing their opposition.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
3:10 PM
Beware of Ransomware
Spam is always annoying and makes us waste time cleaning out email boxes. Unfortunately, there seems to be a rise in the use of a malicious extortion scheme as of late. According to MSNBC, a more aggressive ransomware has emerged, literally seizing a person's PC until they pay to get use of it back. See a video about how it works below...
Rogueware with new Ransomware Technology™ from Panda Security on Vimeo.
Most of these schemes ask for payments in the range of $50 - $89 for a fake "protection" program, and has been deemed as criminal by authorities.
The Terminator's take...keep your eyes open, and don't fall for an extortion scheme! Keep your computer protected and never follow a link you don't trust!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
2:52 PM
Dems Suddenly Interested in Obama Birth Certificate?
Ok...I love this idea, and I think the Dems are on the right track in identifying which Republicans are hiding the fact that they are part of the more conservative "Tea Party" movement. Ever since the Tea Party began its grassroots campaign, it is suspected that many Republicans either in office or pursuing office secretly agree with the party's platform.
Once again, Wingnut Daily has offered this information in an attempt to demonize the Dems, but it's given me something to write about instead. Since some Republicans agree with the Tea Party (described as extremists by the Democratic leadership), I think it's important to make them go on the record with their beliefs. To that end, Democrats have produced a checklist of questions to ask their opponents...
The memo instructs that if a GOP candidate says no, make his or her "primary opponent or conservative activists know it."
- Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen?
- Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards?
- Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place?
- Do you think President Obama is a socialist?
- Do you think America should return to a gold standard?
The Terminator's take...this is ingenious!! The strategy is fabulous because the Republican giving the answers will face pressure from both sides regardless of their response. If the timing is right, it could be very effective!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
2:35 PM
Was Iraq Really About Oil?
To start, let me be clear in saying that I support our troops and the work they do on behalf of our country. However, I don't always support the cause they are sent to fight. Specifically, I believe that our troops were sent into Iraq for two reasons. First, I believe that Bush wanted Saddam's head, and second...there IS an abundance of oil available in Iraq.
Ironically, I'm getting information on the latter from my favorite wingnut site, World Net Daily. Take a look at this quote...
"Within the next few years, Iraq is positioned to rival Saudi Arabia by bringing its oil production to 11 million barrels a day,"
"Scientists for the U.S. Geological Survey have also suggested Venezuela's oil reserves may double the reserves in Saudi Arabia."
As you can see, the same article discusses Venezuela as another major oil source, prompting me to wonder if Chavez will soon be accused of harboring terrorists or developing WMDs. After all, isn't that the argument used by the Bush administration to plunge our troops into a war that has lasted for almost 7 years and killed more Americans than the attacks on 9/11?
The Terminator's take...I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but this information really raises my eyebrows. While I agree that Saddam was a blight on humanity, I wonder if his capture and execution was simply a means to an end, having little or nothing to do with the actual terrorist threat on our country. Just one Terminator's opinion.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
2:15 PM
Orrin Hatch to Include BCS as Federal Issue
Let's see...health care, the economy, Haiti and the Bowl Championship Series? Would you consider the BCS as a major issue facing the nation and in need of federal intervention? Apparently, that's what Orrin Hatch (R) from Utah wants. That's right, folks...a Republican is asking for the Justice department to investigate anti-trust allegations related to the way in which the college football postseason is played.
The Terminator's take...aren't Republicans supposed to be against "big government" or unnecessary government influence on privatized matters? I suppose the fact that Utah (Hatch's home state) went undefeated last year and wasn't given a chance to play for the championship had nothing to with his decision to ask Obama to intervene.
*insert sarcastic sigh here*
Two thoughts...First, Republicans need to own up to their various special interests and earmarks. If this isn't proof positive that some in Congress have their priorities a little screwed up, then I don't know what is. Second, while I agree the BCS has its flaws I don't think it warrants the help of the President or the Justice department. Let the collegiate system fix itself, at the behest of the millions of fans and players who will continue to scream until it does get fixed!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
2:01 PM
Friday, January 29, 2010
"Watchdog" Shows She's Out of Touch
I've said it before...I love it when the fundies make my job easy! This little gem is a perfect example. Allow me to introduce Elaine Donnelly, president of The Center for Military Readiness and self-appointed political watchdog. Here's a snippet of her remarks regarding Obama being "out of touch" when it comes to DADT...
"First of all, there is no big push for gays in the military. For him to say 'finally repeal this law on gays in the military,' he's really out of touch," she notes. "Secondly, he seems to be looking at this issue as if it has to do with civil rights. The law clearly states that there is no constitutional right to be in the armed forces."
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
4:15 PM
Tea Party...The Next Republican Revolution?
Remember the mid-term election of 1994? Bill Clinton was stunned when Newt Gingrinch and company moved into Washington after a huge sweep of Republican victories. Since Scott Brown's victory in Massachusettes, some think the "Tea Party" is now poised to pull off another massive takeover in November.
Yes, those lovable little wing-nuts over at World News Daily are talking about a huge upset in the making. With the intriguing addition of Sarah Palin to their list of Tea Party headliners, are starting to be more and more convinced that the next Republican Revolution is in their sight.
The Terminator's take...Obama made a good point that probably went in one Republican ear and out the other. He mentioned that there was no leadership in just saying, "No," for the sake of disagreeing. If the Tea Party does manage to pull off an upset in November, I think there will be a stalemate. When that happens, no one wins.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
3:39 PM
State of the Union...Part 3
As you might have expected, our friend Peter LaBarbera has latched on to the idea of repealing the Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) policy in the military. Babs and his group of homophobic fundies have begun their campaign to make all homesexuals look like sex-crazed rapists.
Because there was a batch of gay porn involving members of the military, all homosexuals are, of course, immoral beings who are unworthy of life and its liberties. Funny thing is, there is also a problem with straight porn in the military. I suppose that since men and women bunk separately, none of them are in any way influenced by or act upon the porn they may run across...right? Right, that I'll believe, LOL.
The Terminator's take...DADT was and is a ridiculous piece of legislation. If members of the miliatry don't have to "see" their gay commrades, then I suppose they don't exist. It reminds me of my cat...the one who will hide under the bed, leaving her rear end out for all to see. She figures if she can't see me...I can't see her. The same priciple applies here.
Babs is running one of his usual scare campaigns, trying to make all of us believe that homosexuals are evil and will corrupt anything they are able to participate in. Well, Babs...believe it or not, there are already gays in the military and despite that fact, the entire military structure hasn't collapsed! Imagine that!!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
3:13 PM
State of the Union Aftermath...Part 2
As promised, part 2 of my SOTU deals with the President's comments to the Supreme Court. I don't know how many of you saw it, but Justice Alito had his own, "You Lie," moment during Obama's speech. Take a look at the video...
The Terminator's take...Alito had two reasons for his reaction.
First, Obama is now among only a handful of Presidents to confront the Supreme Court in the context of the State of the Union address. Jefferson, Roosevelt and Reagan are the only other Presidents who have acted similarly. That probably put Alito and the other Supremes on edge.
Second, while Obama was correct in mentioning the court's decision regarding individual Americans and domestic groups or organizations, he incorrectly mentioned foreign entities. The court allowed unlimited spending in its Citizens United vs. FEC decision...as an extension of First Amendment free speech rights... but has yet to rule on spending rules regarding foreign entities.
Honestly, both Obama and Alito were somewhat out of line, but the whole thing seemed a little overblown to me...certainly not like Joe Wilson's, "You lie," outburst.
Next topic...Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
2:41 PM
State of the Union Aftermath...Part 1
Obama's speech last night has ignited a whirlwind of discussion on the blogosphere, and the fundies are having a field day. Since there are a few key issues that Obama highlighted that seem to be sparking the biggest firestorms, I've decided to break them up over the course of a few posts.
For today's post, I'll focus on the expected, but still interesting shift in focus for the administration. Up until the election of Scott Brown to Kennedy's senate seat (causing the loss of the so-called "super majority"), the focus of the political rhetoric was health care. We've all seen how that blew up in Obama's face, especially on the issue of transparency. Last night, it was as if Obama was trying to make us believe that the economy (namely creating jobs and reducing taxes) had been the focus all along and that he just couldn't understand why no one would cooperate with him.
The Terminator's take...the famous campaign phrase, "It's the economy, stupid," won't work twice, especially when anyone who's paid attention knows that the legislative focus has been health care. Smoke and mirrors won't work, Mr. Obama. You haven't tricked me, and you haven't tricked the rest of America.
Sorry, all those Obama fans out there...I'm not knocking him completely, I just don't like misdirection period, regardless of who it comes from.
Next topic...Obama vs. the Supremes and Alito's "that's not true" comment.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
1:12 PM
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Fundies Criticize the New York Times
Ok, I realize that my title probably states the obvious...but I just couldn't pass up this one. It seems that some of those lovable little wingnuts over at Americans for Truth are wondering why the Times is denouncing the Ugandan policies regarding homosexuality. Specifically, they are asking what gives the United States the right to lecture another country on its policies.
Whatever your stance, homosexuality isn't the bigger issue in this article...even if Peter LaBarbera and his cronies would like for you to think otherwise. No, the bigger question is, does the United States have the right to lecture? Think about it before you answer...think about the wars we're fighting, the leaders we've promoted, the POLICIES we've supported or denounced in the past.
I'm not proposing an answer one way or the other, but I find it ironic that some of the biggest "Bush-backers" have the audacity to gripe about the US lecturing other countries. It just seems to me that the Fundies are all for lectures...if they serve their personal beliefs and agendas.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
4:34 PM
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Computers in the Classroom
I stumbled upon this little blog post (courtesy of the American Family Association),
"The fact of the matter is more computers in classrooms won't help studentsFrom an educational standpoint, this statement is absolutely ridiculous! I won't bore you with statistics and such, but I will give you a short explanation about learning styles. Every individual learns in a certain way. Some are visual learners and thrive in an environment full of diagrams, drawings, etc. Others are audio learners and thrive in an environment where concepts are explained verbally. Still others are tactile learners and thrive in an environment where they are able to learn by "doing." Many of us, however, rely on a combination of these learning styles.
master the basic skills of reading, writing and math. There is already such a
lack of understanding in these basic subjects that it's rather pointless to
introduce computers into a classroom. A computer won't teach a kid how to do
algebra or how to convey his thoughts through writing. If anything, computers
hinder the learning process in school. Considering the sorry, and steadily
declining, state of public education, taxpayer money should be used for better
and more effective projects."
Using computers in the classroom correctly allows concepts to be conveyed through all of the above mentioned learning styles. The basic skills the writer addressed are, in fact, often better conveyed through the audio/visual/tactile software that is available now. Students who might have otherwise fallen by the wayside are offered another avenue of learning.
The Terminator's take...This writer is more concerned with placing blame and ranting about tax dollars than taking the time to examine the research behind using computers in classroom settings. Do your homework before you start ranting...otherwise, you just look idiotic.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
7:21 PM
Teachers Warned Against Being "Heterosexist"
I have to start this by explaining the source of this story. World Net Daily is a conservative (ok...more like "ultra-conservative") organization that has a news website. I affectionately refer to them as my favorite little "wing-nuts," because some of their issues are, well...really "out there."
Take, for example, their objection to the Texas Education Agency's stipulation that...
"teachers and administrators must be held accountable for practices deemed to beCan you guess which word those adorable little wing-nuts objected to? If you answered, "heterosexist," you're right! The irony is that 40 years ago they'd have objected against the word "racist," yet now that they've removed their white sheets, they've focused their discriminatory actions toward homosexuals.
racist, sexist, heterosexist, classist, or in any other way discriminatory."
The fact is, homosexuals are living among our communities. Just as Americans feared sharing their rights, space, etc. with African Americans, the hateful few now fear allowing loving couples to share the same rights they enjoy. Further, allowing homosexuals to share marriage rights does not in any way diminish the existing or future heterosexual marriages.
Plain and simple...teachers, leaders, etc. should refrain from making derogatory or inflammatory comments when interacting with our children. The wing-nuts need to realize that their constant messages of intolerance and hate are not constructive and serve only to create further division and conflict.
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
7:19 PM
Concerned Women of America Focus on Planned Parenthood
I'm always amused when the Concerned Women of America rant and rave...especially since many of their article writers and members are actually men! This most recent event caught my attention because it concerned my community and occurred amidst the celebration of MLK day and the sorrow of the tragedy in Haiti.
Here's the story...A new Planned Parenthood building is being constructed in Houston. It is the second largest of its kind, and is located near downtown. Crowds gathered to protest, trying to show racial unity by chanting, "Black, brown and white...we are pro-life!"
The Terminator's take? Get a grip!! Had the very concerned women done their research, they would know that Planned Parenthood doesn't necessarily equal abortion. The organization offers several services to help women in need. That said, I think the concerned women could have chosen to rally support for the Haitians who are still greatly in need of our support. The fact that they chose to ignore the thousands upon thousands of dead and injured in Haiti to protest an organization that supports life tells me that their priortities are completely upside-down. Another point of interest is that they attempted to use MLK's day to put forth an image of unity when it's obvious that they seem to discriminate against any woman who seeks help from Planned Parenthood. Honestly, either you are tolerant and accepting, or you're not...it's just that simple.
Concerned Women of America...shame on you for misusing Martin Luther King Jr.'s name and ignoring the greater tragedy in Haiti!
Posted by
Kristen Brodie
7:16 PM